Team 6 Website Hardening Project

A Kennesaw State University Student Capstone Project

The Team 6 Mission

Capstone Team 6 proudly presents their Website Hardening Cybersecurity academic project under the esteemed and wise guidance of the professionals at Kennesaw State University. 

The project team will provide a series of risk assessments, risk mitigations, and general security and access policies for an on premise server infrastructure. This project aims to provide a rigorous analysis and hardening for a provided backend tech stack and website to prevent intrusions and breaches of customer and business data.

This website will attempt to provide a basis for insight into the team's progress.

NIST Driven Standards and Framework

The project team recognizes the unmatched value provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework and will closely adhere to the principles and guidance outlined by the diverse community of participating enterprises and cybersecurity professionals who oversee and maintain its overall effectiveness.

For more information regarding the NIST CS Framework,

CIS Provided Controls

Due to their close collaboration with NIST guidelines, publications, and their strong relationship with the cybersecurity community, the project team is also diligently referencing and implementing the Benchmarking and Control suites curated by the Center for Internet Security.

For more information regarding CIS Benchmarks and Controls,

OWASP Guidance

The guidance and data provided by OWASP will be a crucial and supplemental resource alongside the CIS Controls and Benchmarks. Where the CIS Benchmarks will provide a high level of granularity for risk mitigation implementations, the team will utilize OWASP and their data driven Cybersecurity guidelines to identify contemporary vulnerabilities.

For more information regarding OWASP and their guidance,